When Voles are a pain, call crane.

Extermination & Control
Crane Pest Solutions’ Approach

Crane uses a combination of trapping, exclusion, and habitat modification to control vole infestations. They may also apply treatments to protect trees and shrubs from further damage during winter. Regular lawn maintenance and habitat control are recommended to prevent re-infestation. Routine inspections in spring can help identify vole activity early.

Bug Identification

  • Common Name: Voles

  • Scientific Name: Microtus (genus)

Seasonal Behavior

  • Most Active: Year-round, but damage is often most visible in spring.

  • Behavior: Voles are small rodents that are active throughout the year, even in winter. In Minnesota, they tunnel under the snow, damaging plants and lawns by feeding on roots, bark, and stems. As the snow melts in spring, the damage becomes more apparent, with visible runways and dead patches of grass.

Minnesota-Specific Climate Impact

  • Impact of Weather: Minnesota’s cold winters don’t slow voles down; they remain active under the snow, causing damage to lawns, trees, and shrubs. However, their activity becomes more obvious in spring when snow melts, revealing their tunnel systems and the damage they've caused.

Habitat & Entry Points

  • Habitat: Voles live in grassy areas, gardens, and around the base of trees and shrubs. They create shallow burrow systems and above-ground runways through lawns and vegetation.

  • Entry Points: While voles don’t typically enter homes, they are often found around the exterior, particularly in gardens, yards, and landscaping. Their runways create visible damage on lawns.

Damage & Risks

  • Damage: Voles can cause serious damage to lawns, gardens, and trees by gnawing on roots, stems, and bark. They create shallow tunnels and surface runways that can kill grass and plants. In winter, they may girdle trees and shrubs by feeding on bark under the snow, which can kill or weaken the plants.

  • Signs of Infestation: Visible runways or tracks in the lawn, chewed bark at the base of trees or shrubs, and dead patches of grass or plants.

Prevention Tips

  • Preventive Measures: Keep lawns mowed and remove ground cover like tall grass or mulch where voles can hide. Installing protective barriers around trees and shrubs can prevent winter damage. Trapping and soil management are also effective in controlling vole populations.


Voles are often confused with moles, but they are actually small rodents, similar to mice, that feed on plants rather than insects.


Voles hibernate in winter—this is false, as they remain active under the snow throughout the cold months.

Contact Us

Crane Pest Solutions is a small locally owned pest control company serving Commercial and Residential properties in SE MN. Where we want to help give you peace of mind through education and services. We have over a decade of experience serving the SE MN area and the issues specific to our area.