When Stink Bugs are a pain, call crane.

Extermination & Control
Crane Pest Solutions’ Approach

Crane offers perimeter treatments to keep stink bugs out of homes. They use eco-friendly methods to remove stink bugs safely and prevent them from entering during the fall. Treatments focus on sealing entry points and providing long-term protection. Regular inspections and perimeter treatments before fall are key to preventing stink bugs from entering. Indoor treatments help eliminate any bugs that may have made it inside.

Bug Identification

  • Common Name: Stink Bugs

  • Scientific Name: Halyomorpha halys

Seasonal Behavior

  • Most Active: Fall through spring.

  • Behavior: Stink bugs are notorious for seeking shelter indoors during the cooler months, especially in the fall. They are attracted to the warmth of homes and buildings and can become a nuisance as they gather in large numbers. In spring, they emerge to return outdoors.

Minnesota-Specific Climate Impact

  • Impact of Weather: Minnesota’s cold winters drive stink bugs indoors, where they become inactive in attics, walls, and basements. As temperatures warm in spring, they become active again and leave homes in search of food. Stink bugs are less visible during the hot summer but may reappear as fall approaches.

Habitat & Entry Points

  • Habitat: Outdoors, stink bugs feed on fruits, vegetables, and plants. Indoors, they seek out warm, dry areas such as attics, basements, and wall voids.

  • Entry Points: Stink bugs enter homes through cracks, gaps in windows and doors, and any unsealed openings. Once inside, they congregate in hidden spaces until they are ready to emerge.

Damage & Risks

  • Damage: Stink bugs don’t cause structural damage, but they can become a major nuisance, especially when they gather in large numbers. Their name comes from the foul odor they release when disturbed or crushed, which can linger in homes.

  • Signs of Infestation: Spotting stink bugs indoors during fall or spring, particularly around windows and walls, or finding dead stink bugs in attics or basements.

Prevention Tips

  • Preventive Measures: Seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and foundations before fall. Use screens on windows and vents to block entry, and reduce outdoor lighting, which can attract stink bugs to your home.


Stink bugs are attracted to warmth and light, which is why they often congregate on sunny walls or near windows.


Crushing stink bugs is an effective way to get rid of them—in reality, crushing them releases a foul odor, so it’s best to vacuum them up or remove them gently.

Contact Us

Crane Pest Solutions is a small locally owned pest control company serving Commercial and Residential properties in SE MN. Where we want to help give you peace of mind through education and services. We have over a decade of experience serving the SE MN area and the issues specific to our area.